Monday, November 24, 2008

Friday after Thanksgiving

I made reservations at the Rock Bottom for 5:00pm (before the ceremony @ 6:30 on Friday).

I thought the kids would have more time to ice-skate that way.

Let me know if you can’t make it.


Friday, November 21, 2008

Sec Of State

Obama appears to be practicing the politics of status quo, not the politics of change.
Obama based his campaign on a commitment to change the culture of Washington and bring in new people, new ideas, and new ways of doing business. His transition committee looks like a reunion of the Clinton administration. Throughout the early debates, Obama criticized Hillary Clinton as part of the inside-the Beltway establishment that needed to go. But now he's reaching out to these exact same people. Some change.


Clinton Sec of State

Clinton Sec of state to be announced after thanksgiving--

did you see it coming? what are your feelings about this decision?

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

American Idle

I would have to agree that it has had an impact on music but not as significant as one might think. A few very good voices came out of it but without the show they would not have made it. I suppose that would be an argument for the show but talent has a way of breaking through without the help of 40 million or so people watching you. Bono has said U2 would never have made it today the way the music biz is run. Notice the horribly repetative radio stations? It is about money. Plain and simple. American Idol gets great ratings and "discovers" a star. The greatest musical talents of the last 2 generations did not have the luxury of American Idol. The music is what made them great, not a show. I have a feeling American Idol will fade away in a few years. I wont miss it.


American Idle

Thanks for the reminder, Megan.

Here you go:

this is what the blog is for! :-)

From: Brent Bundy []
Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2008 10:10 PM
To: Bundy, Bradley M. Mr.; 'Katey Bundy'; Bundy, Megan Joan; 'Tammy Bundy'
Cc: 'Joan Bundy'
Subject: RE: OK, Carrie's good but...I rest my case.
An institution? Please!
The Grand Ole Opry, The Metropolitan Opera, and Carnegie Hall are institutions.
American Idol to these institutions are as Dan Quayle and Taylor Hicks are to John Kennedy.
From: Bundy, Bradley M. Mr. []
Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2008 9:25 PM
To: Brent Bundy; Katey Bundy; Bundy, Megan Joan; Tammy Bundy
Cc: Joan Bundy
Subject: RE: OK, Carrie's good but...I rest my case.
Well I agree on this song----but I want you to admit that American Idol has had a HUGE impact on music over the past 8 years. Carrie is awesome----so is Kelly, and so is Jennifer Hudson. Not to mention all the other successes. David Cook, Daugherty, Kelly Pichler, Fantasia. It’s an institution.

Brad Bundy
Associate Vice President
Miami University
(513) 529-5214 Office
(513) 255-1746 Cell
From: Brent Bundy []
Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2008 9:13 PM
To: Bundy, Bradley M. Mr.; Katey Bundy; Bundy, Megan Joan; Tammy Bundy
Cc: Joan Bundy
Subject: OK, Carrie's good but...I rest my case.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Just noticed

Who added the "and all the stuff that holds us together"
I think I know but just wanted to check.
Can't wait to see everyone!!! 

Monday, November 17, 2008

and this

Invisible Children

ps--here are those videos i was telling you about mama.



Aunt di's noodles
grandma's bread
corn bread pudding
all treats!!
nappa/bread salad
pumpkin pie.

hungry for

Aunt Carolyn's bite size sausages. MMMMMMMM!


From Tammy/Mama

What are you most hungry for on Thanksgiving?
Fo me --it's dressing --I hope it's nothing fancy --just regular dressing. And of course, pumpkin pie.
And you...?


I can't wait for thanksgiving!!!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

I needed to post something---cause I haven't written anything. Today, I got put on Lipitor. So----even though we might be divided politically, there is obviously one thing that I inherited from my father! Make that two----bad genes and a love of khaki pants.

From Tammy-Mama

Katey asked for Buckeyes ---- but we can see what compromise we can come up with. 2 weeks from today!!
I'm getting hungry already.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Mom, you'd pick Colin Powell-- I'd pick Colin Farrell. God love the Irish.
Yeah, thank goodness I'm not president.

Also, Katey and I called some of you to ask what you're bringing for Thanksgiving. So excited!!
Mama, I'd like to request scotcheroos (spelling?)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Monday, November 10, 2008

It's me

I just sent a blog, but I don't know where it went. Perhaps to the blog graveyard. Sorry I didn't sign my name, guess I thought you knew it was me by my lefthanded keyboard!!! I would love to have Joe Lieberman awarded some kind of position, but I'm sure that will never happen. Such a good, fair man, and he will be lost in the shuffle. Just curious, would former president Bill Clinton be able to serve in any capacity? Love, Mom Grandma Joan
Thanks for sending me your blog asddress Tammy, I was able to read about dear,sweet Alice Willig. We should all be so faithful

Who are you all...?

Just a reminder to put your name to the post --since we all show up as the Bundys....

As for my pick, I say Colin Powell for Secretary of Defense --but I heard he was considering Secretary of Education.
Frankly, I would feel better just knowing Powell was somewhere close to Obama.

On another note --- since my career frowns upon Facebook, and yet I feel left out of the chatting --- I have restarted my blog. For any one of you who has not been faithfully listening to my radio spots at 6:40 a.m. for the last year (and that would be everyone but one of you --thanks, Mom!), you can read some of my latest spots at
So, while you're in the blogging mood --stop by and leave a comment.


Sunday, November 9, 2008

What if you were president?

I'm curious to know, if you were helping to pick our new president's cabinent who would they be and why? You can't just vote and then sit back, you have to have a plan to get us out of this mess.
a little watergate humor
I like.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

My New Name:

Deep Throat The Poet Formerly Known as Anonymous

Friday, November 7, 2008


Thank you to all who wished us a happy anniversary. We get to go out all night thanks to Mom and Dad babysitting tonight. We love you!



Make sure they're printed by edun LIVE!!
Oh and I'm pretty sure I know who the anonymous poster is
Happy Anniversary to Aunt Lara and Uncle Johnny!

Anyone see the link I posted on Dad's facebook wall from Oprah's post election show?
Wynonna's got big hair.


I'm so happy to hear you say that.
I will buy you a "yes we can" t-shirt for christmas.
no need to thank me.
Love you!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

From Tammy/Mama

Hey, Katey --thanks for the link. That was cool. I watched a little boy today from Georgia who tried to say what this election meant to him --- and he couldn't do it without crying. That was so touching.
I had to vote my faith --- for life. I do not regret that for a minute. I would do it again --and I will. But, now that the election is over, I, too, can appreciate the incredible significance of the history that we are witnessing. These are moments that we will tell our grandchildren --and great grandchildren about for years to come.
Love you.

Tee Shirt Vender

Wish this family had planned ahead. In my lifetime, almost 70 years, I have NEVER seen a T Shirt with our newly elected president on the front!!!!! How cool is that. We've seen Ohio State Champions, World Series, Super Bowl champs etc. etc., but never the PRESIDENT of this UNITED STATES! Why did it take so long? All day long I have seen smiles and pride (and tee shirts} like I've never seen before As you know, I did not vote for Obama, but my hope, and my prayers are for him and for all of us to move forward to make this a better place to live. I will be watching, I will be fair. He has already changed history, now he has a chance to truly make a difference. GOD BLESS AMERICA! I have already learned from my children, now I am learning from my grandchildren. Love,Grandma B

Musings from The Poet

OK. OK. I'm the poet. Now I'm exposed and my ghost writing career in jeopardy.

On a serious note, I've never been a big Jesse Jackson fan (I'm referring to the activist not the owner of Kendall-Jackson). But, watching Jackson's emotions in Grant Park the other night, I could only imagine what a man who was standing on that motel balcony with Dr. M. L. King when he was assasinated 40 years ago must have been feeling.

After JFK became president, no candidate since has had to defend his Catholocism. With the election of President-elect Obama, let us hope & pray that going forward no one will have to defend his/her ethnicity.

The view

watch this at 2:25.
I wanted to show you what the lone conservative Elisabeth thought of the election results. I wish everyone would take on her attitude.

ps--watch when Sherry talks too, it gave me the chills!
oh also, barbra is very old.

Hey that's not fair
you can't have anonymous postings

Poems Prayers & Politics

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I pray that the charges
Against Obama aren't true.


A New Face

To Brads point about our shattered image. I do agree that ousting Bush will help our image but it will take much more than a new face to help repair it. There were and still are many reasons why we were attacked on 9/11 and prior to it and it was not because of one particular individual or policy. What was our image when the following took place?

1988 bombing of NY bound 747 in Scotland. 35 Syracuse students and many US military personel killed.

1993 first bombing of the World Trade Center. 6 killed.

1996 Bombing of the Khobar Towers Military Complex . 19 servicemen killed

1998 Bombing of 2 US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania killing 224.

2000 Bombing of the Navy Destroyer USS Cole. 17 killed.

2001 2nd Terrorist Attack on the World Trade Center and Pentagon.

Bush has made things worse by invading Iraq but our image was not too great prior to that as you can see. I am not defending Bush at all. Iraq was a huge mistake in the way it was handled.

The world sees a new face but will they see the change they want from our new Prez?

Just thought I would share on our new blog and HOPE Obama's policies live up to his image.


posting tips

I really like this!

I have to agree with Brad...what a great way to yell and scream without actually yelling and screaming and you can read what you send before you send it. That will help me ALOT because I tend to speak before I think some of the time. Ha! Since this is my first post I will keep quiet until I have a reason for a rebuttle. Love you guys!


By the Way

What are the rolling eyes characters?

Bundy Blog

Thanks for setting this up Megan! Grandma & I will stay tuned.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


You mean I can write all my opinions here and not be interrupted or screamed at or notice rolling eyes from across the room? What a great idea. I encourage all to join in-----we are a family of passion, good writers, and competativeness. Here is our forum---Yes We Can.



Hi Everyone,
I don't even know if i'm doing this right but I guess I'll find out when I post it. I hope everyone had a wonderful day celebrating the results of the election...I know I did!!

Yumm, I really want some homemade bread of my own right now. maybe even some of aunt di's noodles!!

Love you all.

From Tammy:

Hey, everyone! I think this is a great idea. Thanks, Megan. I suppose if we all log in under the same name, we will have to sign our posts --in the title, perhaps? This could be like private facebook for those of us without a ton of time (and friends).
I see Grandma B made it here. Anyone else?

Grandma the Blogger

Grandma says she kneads to have someone walk her through it so she can rise up and say how she feels about all this.
You asked for it!! Everyone feel free to post anything you want.
It's nice for those of us who can't make it to those Sunday lunches after church!